No Publication Permissions Allowed; Where I post Geneva Bible dot Org(see their 1599 edt Home page)

I dint know what all the html means.. So.. ..i edit in this website link GENEVA BIBLE DOT ORG

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Friday, June 13, 2014


The Gospel, God's Covenant of Grace

by Harold Camping
Family Stations, Inc.

Introduction:   The Bible Is the Final AuthorityPage v
Chapter 1. What is the Covenant Spoken of in the Bible?Page 1
GodÂ’s Covenant: The Gospel for the Whole Human RacePage 1
New Testament Covenant-BreakersPage 5
The Bible Becomes More Specific about the Nature of the CovenantPage 9
The Bible is the CovenantPage 11
The Covenan: A Progressive RevelationPage 12
Chapter 2. GodÂ’s Covenant With NoahPage 17
GodÂ’s Covenant with Noah is the Covenant of GracePage 18
Animals Used by God to Represent the Whole EarthPage 20
The Rainbow: The Sign of the CovenantPage 22
The Rainbow Ties the Covenant to ChristPage 22
Chapter 3. Types and Figures Illustrate the CovenantPage 27
Types and Figures Do Not Give the Full Picture of the CovenantPage 32
Circumcision: The Covenant SignPage 38
Chapter 4. The New CovenantPage 41
ManÂ’s Last Will and TestamentPage 43
God’s Covenant – A WillPage 44
Christ, The Maker of the Will, DiedPage 45
GodÂ’s Obligation to Save Those Named in the WillPage 46
Comparison of a Human Will with GodÂ’s WillPage 50
The New Covenant in ChristÂ’s Shed BloodPage 56
The LordÂ’s Supper and the New CovenantPage 58
The Bible - Old and New TestamentsPage 60
The Old Testament Anticipated the New CovenantPage 61
Chapter 5. God the Father, The Writer of the WillPage 69
The Father Wrote the Will; the Son Was Assigned to Effectuate the WillPage 72
Jesus Can Legally Take the Place of the Father as the TestatorPage 73
God the Father Wrote the WillPage 77
Christ Was Also Named in the Will to Receive an InheritancePage 77
Chapter 6. The Making of a CovenantPage 81
Abram Represents What or Whom?Page 82
Abram - A Picture of GodPage 84
The Animals - A Picture of Our SaviorPage 86
Abram Typifies JesusPage 87
God the JudgePage 89
The Two Birds Represent Whom?Page 90
Believers - A Turtledove and a PigeonPage 91
Christ Drove the Wrath of God Away from BelieversPage 79
The Carcasses of BelieversPage 79
Israel Made a CovenantPage 79
Chapter 7. The Covenant of GracePage 83
Covenant-BreakersPage 86
A Covenant of SaltPage 87
Covenant FamiliesPage 89
The New Testament Covenant Sign – BaptismPage 92
Circumcision and Baptism – Two Sides of the Same CoinPage 92
Water Baptism: No Guarantee of SalvationPage 94
Water Baptism: A Sign but Not the SubstancePage 96
ConclusionPage 352
Scripture IndexPage 352
About the AuthorPage 367
About Family RadioPage 367
The International MinistryPage 367
The Family Radio School of the BiblePage 367
Missionary ToursPage 368
On the InternetPage 368
The Open ForumPage 368
TelevisionPage 368
List of Family Radio StationsPage 369
List of Domestic TranslatorsPage 370

Brother Camping is the President of Family Radio, Inc., and he is the host of the popular Open Forum program, the longest running radio program in the world.  On the program, unscreened listeners call-in live (1-800-322-5385) with their Bible questions while Mr. Camping answers from the the Bible.  He is also the author of the new book “Time Has an End” (ISBN# 0533151694), and the following online Gospel books.

DOES GOD LOVE YOU?  (In various languages)

All the above books are available by writing to: Family Stations Inc. 290 Hegenberger Rd. Oakland, CA 94621.  Or call toll free 1-800-543-1495

In addition to the books above, the following are the Gospel audio teachings of Brother Camping.

You can find a Family Radio Station in your area here:
To enjoy these Bible teachings, Christ-centered music, and other Christian programs.

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